In 1913, on February 2, Grand Central Terminal opened to the public. It was a marvelous feat of engineering and art work (and remains so to this day). It epitomizes the history of American rail as well as New York City.
Being the 99th anniversary of such a wonderful event we decided to share. Hopefully you all have safe travels through the 100th anniversary and beyond!
Oh, and don't forget to take a rubber duck with you whenever you travel. This one would be perfect for the trains, but we have ducks for any type of travel! :-)
Being the 99th anniversary of such a wonderful event we decided to share. Hopefully you all have safe travels through the 100th anniversary and beyond!
Oh, and don't forget to take a rubber duck with you whenever you travel. This one would be perfect for the trains, but we have ducks for any type of travel! :-)
Have an absolutely ducky day!
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