Sunday, January 31, 2010
Learning to work smarter and not just harder.
Lewis Carroll - Alice in Wonderland
As we walked the lake today I couldn't help but think about the week that had just passed. After all, Sunday is the one day we stay away from the store and focus on the household, studies and self. Reflection has been one of the greatest measures of our week as Jennifer remarked on in her blog 'Monday Morning Notes'. When I am away from the shop, I can look at the week with a fair, but critical eye.
I worked hard this week. We always work hard. Our wholesale division, LS2M Krown Distributing, placed products in several accounts; we added books including Eric Carle's Ten Little Ducks and nostalgic candy to the store and our Valentine's online campaign has exceeded our targets. That said, we still have not placed our clawfoot tub in the store because the restoration is not complete, and our new paint colors for the store are not finished. At each Monday meeting, I set realistic goals for the week, yet something always gets added to an already long list of to dos.
Jennifer and I started the year by committing to work smarter not harder. When you are so dedicated to success, how can you slow down the everyday hectic pace of cramming as much as possible into a 16-18 hour day? I think the key is to keep setting what you believe to be realistic attainable goals, commit to them, and adjust the results on a regular basis. I used to stick the uncompleted tasks into the next period and keep the next set of goals in tact. What happened with this strategy was a list that grew to unattainable every time.
In every management and marketing class I've taken we talk about decision making using the SMART method by Peter Drucker in 1954. It's really pretty simple:
1. Specific
2. Measurable
3. Achievable
4. Realistic
5. Time Sensitive
Although the concept is simple, the implementation of it in today's world is a challenge. I will keep writing about our progress in living SMART decision making.
I have become an expert at working hard. Now I am learning to work smart. I'll become an expert at this too. It's on my list for next week.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Creating Personal Freedom
-Napoleon Hill
I have thinking a lot about freedom lately. Our sixteen year old son just got his first car. He is excited about the prospect of going to the grocery store, driving himself to school, or just hanging out with friends. He is ready for his freedom.
I too have always desired freedom, its probably the main reason I have always sought after self employment, however coupled with my personal need for freedom I have also placed a high value on my education. A blog comment ask me "what would one do with a Ph.D. in Human Communications?" At first I was a little taken aback but it created an opportunity for me to rethink about freedom and why I made the decision to go back to school in the first place. In high student I wasn't a great student, in fact, I was bad student. As I began to understand the world around me, I knew I had no desire for a 9 to 9 corporate ladder career, I had bigger ideas, I wanted to own a business! Result: I have spent the past twenty years showing myself and the world that it could be done, I could create a life of personal freedom with a educated business mind. So now there are two questions that could be answered:
1. Why Quacker Gift Shop as a business? Will ask on another blog.
2. Why Human Communications? I'm going to answer this question in a non-academic fashion. Communication is power, how we communicate, with whom we communicate leads us in directions unknown at the present time. In nut a shell, effective communications is essential for a successful business practice, which in turn leads to life long opportunities, freedom to build a life on ones own terms. Not only are my studies valuable to me and my business, I truly what to help others build their business dreams and a future filled with personal freedoms (in a future blog I will share more about our (Steve and I) bed and breakfast retirement plans). Don't worry...we have lots of years and planning to go!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Monday Morning Notes

As I mentioned earlier this month, I am still a student, I am a Ph.D. candidate in the department of Human Communications (Ethics and Rhetoric) at the University of Denver. The balance between my studies and running Quacker Gift Shop can be overwhelming at times, other times I have to reflect on my long term goals as to why I took on graduate school while building a wholesale, retail and online business. In fact, some days I feel like I am upside down and left to wonder how I am going to get right side up. Last week , Dr. Phillip Tompkins was a guest lecturer in my class on Organizational Communication, he talked about the importance of “Monday Notes” and the impact this organizational method had on the NASA program in the 1960’s. As a student of Dr. von Braun, Dr. Tompkins shared how two questions ( What were your problems last week and what was your progress last week) shaped effective communication and management at NASA. Well…I thought, if it’s good enough for NASA, it’s good enough for Quacker Gift Shop!
One of my new year’s goals was to have Steve and I sit down every Monday morning, reflect on the week past and plan for the coming week. We wrote pages of notes, it become overwhelming and unproductive, I was ready to quit after the second week. Today we implemented the Dr. van Braun's and NASA's way of Monday notes.
1. What were problems?
2. What was your progress?
It was a success! We were able to focus and hopefully avoid future landmines (that cost us money) as well as highlight our areas of productivity that increase revenue.
This was a great way to start my week right side up!
Thanks L J the cat for showing off upside down face, your the best.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
What to do with slow days
Over the past several months, we were on auto pilot, we sent more internet packages than ever before, our retail store celebrated its first Christmas season, and we successful completed an over booked festival schedule. January has a new focus. The store is decorated, the Valentines are up, and several of the winter projects have been completed. Even in the best of times January is a tough retail month so Steve and I am have been focused on several ways to grow our customer base (both online and retail) at Quacker Gift Shop.
1. We are focused marketing
We have commented to writing a blog three times a week, we are creating a quarterly newsletter, and creating a press kit that will serve our niche market RUBBER DUCKS!
2. We are using our extra time for good
When sales are slow, it's the perfect time to concentrate on all those little things that we don’t normally have time for. We are adding new products to Quacker Baby, developing LS2M Krown (our wholesale division), and preparing the store for the Quacker Reading Corner.
3. Get to better know our accounting program
How much is coming in? How much is going out? We are focused on what we can do to cut back and lower our monthly expenses. Figure out what you can afford to spend on advertising or supplies each month. Understanding our money and accounting is the half the battle. If we lay it all out, it will help us prioritize, plan and spend more wisely.
No one ever said any of this would be easy, but we did not go into business for ourselves because we thought it'd worry free, right?
Sunday, January 10, 2010
It is a lot of work just to be found!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Inventory at Quacker Gift Shop
Three days later and we have completed our inventory, as Quacker Gift Shop grows we are finding the need to cross our t’s and dot the i’s. That means we can longer put all of our invoices in a file and add then all up at the end of the year, we can’t just put half of the inventory in the warehouse (for the web) and half in the store, and we can’t just think that we are out of products because we now have systems in place to make our growing business more efficient. Here’s my thinking about efficiency, you go thought all kinds of trails and tribulations to get the systems up and running but the real work is developing systems that can be managed and utilized on a daily bases. I am looking forward to completing our new inventory controls, so I can get back to projects in the store.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Quacker Gift Shop is ready for 2010
Looking forward to 2010, we will continue to work long hours but we are also focusing on our family and personal growth (unfortunately that was left out last year). As small business owners the work/family balance will always be a challenge, but both Steve and I have realized how important it is to keep your body and mind as sharp and productive as the business.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Adventures with Quacky 2010
For the new year, Adventures with Quacky has a new focus. Previously we shared pictures of our shows, sponsored events and the opening of our new store. As we planned out 2010 we wanted to expanded our blog and share with our readers the everyday of Quacker Gift Shop. We also wanted to introduce ourselves as the owners of this crazy adventure. Often times I see I great business and wonder, who owns that business? Other than years of hard work, what did they do to have a great business? Over the next year, our hope is to answer those questions and beyond, some days and weeks are better than others, it’s far fantasy island (ok, I just dated myself) but at the end of even the worst week, it’s a dream come true.
My husband Steve and I (I’m Jennifer ) will be the primary bloggers. In our absence (I am already thinking about sun and a beach), we hope to have one of four child fill in for us, it will be interesting to read their commentaries relative to the family business. The other reason we may rope the kids in is that Steve and I are both full time students and sometime the workload gets very demanding. Steve’s focus is Business Management and mine Human Communications (Ethics and Rhetoric).
With the business, four kids, school, four pets, and each other we stay busy about 16 hours a day. We hope you enjoy our adventures and we look forward to your comments.