January is Bath Safety Month, which is something we take very seriously. Lots of unexpected things can happen to kids in bathtubs, and it is essential that parents (and all the people taking baths) are vigilant! No one loves a good bath more than rubber duckies, but safety is always key.
If you'd like more info on how to keep children safe during bath-time take a look here: http://www.ehow.com/about_6609430_child-bath-safety.html
It is the most comprehensive and easy to follow guide I can find!
Happy bathing! It's the best way to have fun with your rubber ducky friends! Have a quacktastic and safe day :-)
If you'd like more info on how to keep children safe during bath-time take a look here: http://www.ehow.com/
It is the most comprehensive and easy to follow guide I can find!
Happy bathing! It's the best way to have fun with your rubber ducky friends! Have a quacktastic and safe day :-)
If you are looking for a special rubber ducky to make bath time that much more fun, take a look at Quacker Gift Shop. Home a wonderfully large assortment of rubber ducks, you're sure to find what you need!
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