We would like to bring your attention to quite the important event! Today is Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day.
An unfortunate fact of life is that some ducks don't make it to our stores in tip-top shape (see picture for evidence). Rubber duckies get sent to us with all sorts of odd deformities. We do our best to take care of these duckies, often finding homes in the strangest places: under desks, behind cash registers, you name it!
In addition to the protection the rubber duck population, bubble wrap is endlessly fun and even more endlessly annoying to those you love ;-) It is truly worthy of your appreciation!
Have a quacktastic day!!!
An unfortunate fact of life is that some ducks don't make it to our stores in tip-top shape (see picture for evidence). Rubber duckies get sent to us with all sorts of odd deformities. We do our best to take care of these duckies, often finding homes in the strangest places: under desks, behind cash registers, you name it!
In addition to the protection the rubber duck population, bubble wrap is endlessly fun and even more endlessly annoying to those you love ;-) It is truly worthy of your appreciation!
Have a quacktastic day!!!
If you'd like to see Duck of the Day posts on your Facebook page, like us at facebook.com/QuackerGiftShop. You can always get all of our posts in your email by subscribing to Adventures with Quacky in the top left corner of this page. If you want browse and investigate a wonderful assortment of rubber duckies, take a look at QuackerGiftShop.com!
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